Monday, April 25, 2011


The vast majority of Internet-facing software is web applications. While there are
only a few mail or web servers, whose security history is well known, there are thousands of web applications that do not always have a good security record. Nikto
allows network administrators to identify known vulnerable web applications and
dangerous files.
Nikto is an open source web scanner available on Linux and Windows. Nikto 1.35
can identify about 3,200 vulnerable applications or dangerous files on more than 600
servers, and it can identify more than 200 server security issues. The scanner supports SSL and nonstandard HTTP ports as well as the basic web authentication.
Types of Vulnerabilities
The most common vulnerabilities in web applications are:
SQL Injection
If the application does not correctly filter users’ form input, and uses that input
in an SQL query, it is possible to hijack the query to modify the database or get
critical information such as login ID and password.
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
If the user input of a web form is not properly filtered, it is possible to inject
code (HTML, JavaScript) into a web page. This allows attackers to inject malicious code to a page trusted by the users.
PHP include
A common mistake is to include a page through a URL variable. The value of the
variable could be changed to point to a remote page that would be executed
locally on the server.
Information leak
Configuration files and lists of users or passwords may be left readable on a web
server. Sometimes, it is possible to trick a web application into displaying local
Credential escalation
Some poorly written applications allow anybody to escalate their privileges
through undocumented variables. These hidden variables can often be easily
found and exploited.
Nikto looks for all of these vulnerabilities. It contains a list of such vulnerabilities in
known applications and tests the presence and behavior of these vulnerable pieces of
Command Line
Nikto is a command-line utility. To start a scan and save the report, type:
[julien@asus ~]# nikto -host –Format csv –output nikto.csvt
- Nikto 1.35/1.34 -
+ Target IP:
+ Target Hostname:
+ Target Port: 80
+ Start Time: Fri Mar 9 10:18:37 2007
- Scan is dependent on "Server" string which can be faked, use -g to override
+ Server: Apache/2.0.52 (CentOS)
- Retrieved X-Powered-By header: PHP/5.1.6
+ Apache/2.0.52 appears to be outdated (current is at least
Apache/2.0.54). Apache 1.3.33 is still maintained and considered secure.
+ 2.0.52 (CentOS) - TelCondex Simpleserver 2.13.31027 Build 3289 and
below allow directory traversal with '/.../' entries.
Nikto first gets information about the server. It uses it to filter out the CGI and dangerous files to test:
+ /icons/ - Directory indexing is enabled, it should only be enabled for
specific directories (if required). If indexing is not used at all, the /icons
directory should be removed. (GET)
Nikto tests the server configuration. Then it looks for dangerous files and vulnerable
+ /admin/config.php - Needs Auth: (realm "Access protected) / - TRACE option
+ appears to allow XSS or credential theft. See for details (TRACE)
+ //admin/admin.shtml - Needs Auth: (realm "Access protected)
- This might be interesting... has been seen in web logs from an unknown scanner.
+ 2563 items checked - 14 item(s) found on remote host(s)
+ End Time: Fri Mar 9 10:20:22 2007 (105 seconds)
+ 1 host(s) tested
The scan is very fast (105s) on a small web site. A complete scan with all the plug-ins
(using the –g option) takes only 40 seconds more.
The report can be saved in text (-Format txt), HTML (-Format hml) or CSV (-Format
csv) format.
Be careful with a report in HTML format. Nikto does not escape the
links. The HTML report can contain dangerous JavaScript or characters.
If you scan an HTTPS server, use the options –ssl –port 443 to run the scan. If some
directories require web authentication, you can provide the login and password
information to Nikto with the option –id login:password.
There are a lot of false positives. With a scan specific on my personal server, Nikto
found 14 potential issues. Only two are truly potential issues: directory listing of /icons
and the allowed use of TRACE. The potential PHP vulnerabilities, the potential cross-site
scripting, etc., do not apply. The full scan (-generic option) displays two more potential issues that are also two more false positives.
If Nikto finds a CGI with the same filename as a vulnerable application, you might consider changing its name, even if it is secured. Nikto
is widely used by script kiddies who will hammer the CGI if it is
reported as vulnerable during a scan.
Evasion Techniques
Unfortunately, Nikto added options to evade an Intrusion Detection System (IDS). I
think it is unfortunate because this tool should not be used to test an IDS. Nikto was
designed to quickly find known vulnerable software. Most of the CGIs it looks for
are very old and do not always try to exploit vulnerability. Some tests check only
whether the filename of a page is the same as known vulnerable software (/cgi-bin/, for example). This does not mean the CGI installed is vulnerable to any-
thing, and a request to such a script is legitimate.
The default traffic generated by Nikto can easily be flagged by an IDS since each
HTTP request contains “Nikto/1.35” in the user-agent header. With one signature,
an IDS would detect all the tests. The evasion options do not necessarily make it
harder for the IDS to detect something.
To add an evasion technique, use the option –evasion followed by steps 1–9:
1. URL encoding. The URL is encoded. Today’s high-end IDS can manage encoded
URLs without a problem. This evasion technique does not make any difference
to a sophisticated IDS.
2. Add /./ in front of each URL. With the same URL decoding feature used for the
previous evasion technique, the IDS easily restores the original URL. Since this is
a known evasion technique, this technique would probably be detected by most
IDSes, making it less than useless.
3. Premature URL ending. Nikto actually adds random folders followed by /../. For
example, instead of requesting /icons, Nikto requests /foo/bar/../../icons, which is
functionally the exact same thing. As in evasion 2, not only can the IDS under-
stand the canonical URL just like the web server, it also detects the /../ as a directory traversal, a well-known technique.
4. Append random long strings. Same technique as before, but with much longer
strings and the same results.
5. Fake parameters. Add unnecessary parameters (/uri/?foo=bar). This does not
make any difference to a decent IDS.
6. Tab as request spacer. Use a tab instead of a space to separate the different elements of the URL. Once again, this does not bother a decent IDS.
7. Case-insensitivity. Change random characters to uppercase. Windows servers do
not care about case-insensitivity, so the test would be valid in this instance. But
for most other systems that are case-sensitive (e.g., *nix), the new URLs created
do not make sense. For example, /cgi-bin/ is different from /cgi-BIn/
mAIl.Pl for Apache on Linux. This evasion technique should be used very
8. Use \ as folder separation. This is the same case as above. Using \ instead of /
may be fine with IIS on Windows, but it is not for *nix: the new URL would not
make sense.
You may argue that Internet Explorer allows you to use indifferently /
or \ in a URL regardless of the web server, but it actually translates \ to
/ when it does the request.
9. Session splicing. This is the only interesting evasion technique, even if it is quite
old. It is basically Nikto + fragroute (
Nikto generates one byte data packets. It is a good way to easily test how an IDS
handles heavily fragmented traffic without the hassle of installing fragrouter.
Nikto should be used to detect vulnerable applications that should not have been
installed on a network. But it should not be used to test the coverage of an IDS, even
if the addition of evasion techniques suggest that it has been designed for this. By the
same token, Nessus also contains checks for vulnerable CGIs, but not as many as