Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Once you master the basic concepts of
Wireshark, you will probably want to delve
further into some of its more advanced
features. In this chapter we’ll look at some of
these powerful features, including name resolution,
protocol dissection, and packet reassembly.
Name Resolution
Network data is transported via various alphanumeric addressing systems
that are often too long or complicated to remember, such as the physical
hardware address 00:16:CE:6E:8B:24. Name resolution (also called name lookup)
is the process a protocol uses to convert one identifying address into
another. For example, while a computer might have the physical address
00:16:CE:6E:8B:24, the DNS and ARP protocols allow us to see its name as
Marketing-2. By associating easy-to-read names with these cryptic addresses,
we make them easier to remember and identify.