Tuesday, May 29, 2012

OsmocomBB: A tool for GSM protocol level security

   osmocombb its good ?????,,,

hacking GSM Networks ...illustration ..its real NoW ...

    watch the video and you will be able to do anything in the gsm network like any other      network ..so
    have a nice day ......

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The First Windows 8 exploit ????????

According to ZDNET Peter’s hack is believed to be the first proof-of-concept that has found a vulnerability in Microsoft’s new operating system which will launch in 2012.

After the exploit has been launched the OS operates under the SYSTEM account which then lets a hacker run a command prompt where they can defeat the User Account Control by avoiding the user prompt.

The Windows 8 OS is currently in Beta testing and the exploit will likely be fixed ahead of shipping however the small size of the code and the ease for which it was executed still deal a small humiliating blow to Microsoft as the company continues to emphasize their platforms stronger security standards via Windows Defender improvements.

Included with the new system is a real-time detection and protection suite along with a SmartScreen filtering system for Windows 8 and security improvements to Internet Explroer.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

programing for smart card in QT how to :SOLVED

to start programing for smart card in QT is a problem , why ...........???
because the library of winscard.h in windows SDK does not properly included ,so
the problem is solved ,we will go step by step :

1- download windows sdk and install it .
2- in QT create a new project (gui or console).
3- copy this files ( SCardErr.h , winscard.h ,winsmcrd.h) from the directory of widows sdk and paste him into the directory of your project .
4-add him to your project from QT interface , after that they will appear in the
headers group in QT interface.
5-in the file .pro of your project add this

win32:LIBS += "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v6.0A/Lib/WinSCard.lib" \
"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v6.0A/Lib/SCardDlg.Lib" \
"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v6.0A/Lib/wscapi.lib"

HEADERS += mainwindow.h \
winscard.h \
SCardErr.h \

6- add this lines to your header file (mainwindow.h)

#include "winscard.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include "winnt.h"
#include "iostream"
#include "SCardErr.h"
#include "winsmcrd.h"

7- after that the smart card api is included properly.
8-you can start programing using all classes and functions in winscard.h .

**** winscard api use the windows api types so to convert from windows types to QT types (QString ,QByteArray) so i will put it here another day .

************* to get more information about smart card in QT post here your Questions or send me a mail to roky2003@gmail.com ..................................
please post your opinion ...................................................................................
authors : Debeche Ibrahim and Boukazoula Mehdi ----------from algeria